We've begun to edit our music video. The software 'Final Cut' is fun to use and is useful for when very specific cuts need to be made. By collaborating all of the different types of shots with this software I have been able to start creating the first couple of seconds. This software means that all of the groups using it are able to create a good quality music video with all of the conventions that would be found in a professionally produced videos.
- Album Analysis (10)
- Artist and album analysis (1)
- Filming (3)
- Font (1)
- Location (1)
- Media Tech (1)
- Music Industry (1)
- Music Video (5)
- Photos (4)
- Song Analysis (1)
- Star Image (1)
- Website Analysis (3)
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
I created this album cover for our group. by blurring the background behindd the images of the artists. the main purpose for this is to make the the focus of t emblem cover. By doing this the audience are albei to identify that they are the mian artists of this album. the image is black and white because i tried to give it a classes look. all three of the artists are in the same position. a code for unity. I made the miss en scene be a natural setting because it gives the idea that they are natural talent, that they are a free and easy group of people.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Final Album Design
For this album i chose to use the images of the ducks kissing. Codes that are produced from this image from an audiences point of view are love, playfullness, innocence and child hood sweet hearts (assuming children play with ducks. On the back cover of tha album the image of the ducks going off into the distance give the audience a snese of hope and a futurefor these ducks and for the relashionship between them. The conventions that are found on both of the front and the back of the album are :
- Album name
- Artsist name
- Barcode
- Song titles
- Copywrite and email information
- linking back cover and front cover
On the back cover of the cd cover the main problem is that the tracks ae to hard to see, you cant make out the name of the track properly. This is something that may take the appeal of the cd cover away.
Album cover photos (my photogenic ducks)
The idea of ducks came from thinking about the words playing and tides which is in the name of our album Playing With Tides. Our music video is about a love triangle so i thought we should try and show that in our album cover. Ducks are usually found ponds and so the mise en scene of these images was an obvious one. By using a boy duck and girl duck it creats a sense of playfulness and youth. By placing them in a kissing position they are able to create a code to the audience that this album will be based around a relashionship that has or had all of these qualities.
The image with the duck tilted on the side gives the audience the idea that the hes been left by the girl duck, code, a code for a broken relashionship, lonlyness and sadness.
One of the images shows the boy duck leaning on the girl duck, a image that shows that the male in the relashionship depends on the felmale. If i were to use these images on the album cover the audience would be able to identify the codes that are produced from the positions of the ducks. The pond represents there home, a familiar place were they both like to go and relax. Home comforts.
1st album cover
High angle shot
Low angle shot
To create the effect above i placed the same picture in the same document 3 times and swivelled the image in a different position. making them all a bit more transparent that each other.
We took an arrange of photos that we could use for our album cover.
With the images of the group that we are using we had to take a variety of shots to show that they are a group. Firstly the bench shots. I made teh girls sit with there legs crossed legged hands on there laps. The fact that they all did this creats a code for the group of unity and 'sisterhood'. We took the main pictures in the forest. The mise en scene, trees and greenery creates an open an d airy space. a code for freedom and liberty. There facial expressions show that they are thinking of something, maybe a memory or something that has happened in the past.
Their dress code is sophisticated and casual.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Album info and Tech to use
the height and width of a normal album cover is usually:

the height and width of a normal album cover is usually:
14.2 cm X 12.4 cm
5 9/16 in. X 4 7/8 in
5 9/16 in. X 4 7/8 in
This means that when designing my Album the image and all of the contents of the album cover will have to fit within this size.
The main software that will use to edit all of my cover will be Adobe Photoshop, its a professional piece of software that enables you to edit very specifically i.e. allowing you to edit only curtain things such as eye pupils or hair.
Initial designs

These are a few drawn sketches of an initial album.
Obviously for out album cover we have to include the main conventions that one would find on there. This include Album name, artist name picture of artist.
Obviously for out album cover we have to include the main conventions that one would find on there. This include Album name, artist name picture of artist.
Creating our own album cover
For Our album cover we will need to experiment with a variety of shots in a variety of places. These shots will have to include, extreme close up, close up, high angle, low angle, point of view over the shoulder etc...
I have experimented with some of these shots with some friends to see how they could work when i take the pictures of the 'artists' in the real shoot. I have analysed some album covers that there are and am aware of all of the use of codes and the obvious conventions that they hold.
I found that album art had become a very important in the process of buying the music that is out today. For example itunes. Just by looking at my own itunes I can pinpoint several album covers that stick out to me. But which would the audience find the most attractive?
I have experimented with some of these shots with some friends to see how they could work when i take the pictures of the 'artists' in the real shoot. I have analysed some album covers that there are and am aware of all of the use of codes and the obvious conventions that they hold.
I found that album art had become a very important in the process of buying the music that is out today. For example itunes. Just by looking at my own itunes I can pinpoint several album covers that stick out to me. But which would the audience find the most attractive?
Yesterday we filmed our music video within london and managed to get all of the shots that we needed. All of the members got involved with the making the video and we all have appeared within it. We did add a few more shots than we intended and we plan to add them into our music video.
The next thing to do now is to upload all of the footage that we have filmed on to the editing stations that we now have and begin cutting and editing them. we have stuck to the original narrative plan that we mention in our group blog.
We will be using the editing software Final cut express to edit all of our clips together to make a video.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Getting personal with the equiptment
A day before the shoot i thought i would get some practice in with the equipment so that i would be able to save time when we were actually filming our video. Firstly i had to discover how you altered the height of the tripod.
Firstly i had to try and find out how to make the legs of the tripod longer so that we could take shots from different angles and heights. I discovered that by moving the two caps that rested on the legs up, i would be able to make two of the separate parts of the leg longer.
Monday, 7 March 2011
Equipment needed
The equipment that is needed for the shoot is as follows:
- HD Xacti Camera 1920x1080
- Canon SLR
- Tripod
Images of us during the shoot of both the the set and the cameras being use will have to be taken as evidence of everyone using the equipment.
We have estimated the shoot to take roughly 3 - 4 hours
We have filmed some parts of the video already and are in the midst of editing them together. In several of the shots the videoing is very shoddy and the lip sync cant really be done because of the groups lack of knowledge of the lyrics.
(Oh oh)
Sometimes I get my head in a dilly
Feeling so lost, ticking you off
Now boy, you know me well
Said, I’m that kinda feelling
That kind of soft, that kind of silly
But when I’m in doubt, I open my mouth
And words come out, words come out like
baby, there’s a shark in the water
There’s something underneath my bed
Oh, please believe I said
baby, there’s a shark in the water
I caught them barking at the moon
Better be soon
High in the sky, the song that I’m singing
A sweet little lie, I cry wolf, cry
Rabbit out the hat, so that’s why I’m bringing
Some tricks up my sleeve, for noticing me
I wouldn’t cause you any harm, I just want you in my arms
I can’t help, I can’t help myself
baby, there’s a shark in the water
There’s something underneath my bed
Oh, please believe I said
Baby, there’s a shark in the water
I caught them barking at the moon
Better be soon
(Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do ,do)
(Better be soon)
(Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do x2)
Right is right
Rules are rules
This is more like April fool
I’m just winding you up, oh
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Please don’t make too much of it
It ain’t that serious, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Baby, there’s a shark in the water
There’s something underneath my bed
Oh, please believe I said
Baby, there’s a shark in the water
I caught them barking at the moon
You better get here soon
Baby, there’s a shark in the water
Baby, there’s a shark in the water
Baby, there’s a shark in the water
I caught them barking at the moon
Better be soon
Whilst filming our video, we decided film each member of the band singing the same paragraphs. This way when we edited the main video we would be able to cut on any word or beat we liked. It meant that it gave us more options on who to cut to at curtain points of the song.
For example, the line "Baby there's a shark in the water' between each word we will be able to change person singing it, a common convention of the music video. I don't feel it would be right to hnd out specific parts to the artists because each will be singing the song so will have much more of a variety of footage if they all sing the same dialogue .
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Location Location Location
Gilbert Street
St. Christopher's Place
St. Christopher's Place
- London Bond Street
- St Christophers Place
- Gilbert Street
St Christophers place
- This will be used for the Pan of the artists walking down the street, past small boutique shops and stools, full of colour to create a vibrant setting as this is how we want the artist to be seen.
Brook Street
- This will be the location for several shots including the match cut, match on action, edium and close up shots. as well as several establishing shots.
Bond Street
- Only a few shots will take place here such as establishing, pan and defocusing
Over the past week i have been collecting images of costume and venues that me and my group will use in out music video.
The clash Album cover and post modernism
Conventionally it is traditional includes album name, artists name image of the artist.
Rock image
costume is predictable
In motion shot gives the band a sense of movement and energy
Black and white imagery give the image a sincerity and classic look as well as a sense of conviction
The 'London Calling' is a jeux de position in itself. It contrasts with the image. The wacky font, cartoonish in appearance really stands out. This is what would grab an audience if it was in a shop.
The album cover is a homage of Elvis Presleys's first album. Making it Post Modern as the idea has already occurred. The one difference i would say makes them stand out form each other is the aggression and the joy. The clashes action shot very aggressive. Smashing a guitar is nowadays somewhat of a convention of a heavy rock band. Its releases the idea of power, excitement and anger. In comparison is Elvis Presley's image. Just from his facial expressions we see happiness, excitement and his joy for music. Comparing them both, the Lay out maybe the same but the images represent (in my opinion as the audience) completely different things.
Music artists websites seem to have several main conventions.
- Name of the artist
- Links to other parts of the website
- Videos of their latest track
- A chance to sign up to the website
- Latest news and blogs
- Images of Artist
- Picture of the album
These are several things that i know know i must follow when making my website, however looking at the these sites there does seem to be some conventions that have been followed and some that haven't.
Firstly there is no Picture of Paolo Nutini's album or himself on his website, neither is there one one VV browns, there is however, a picture of Plan B's album on the left hand side.
Each on the above websites have a link to different parts of the site. VV Browns gives the audience a chance to look a her blog, as does Paolo's and so does Plan B's. I will follow these obvious conventions. All three websites are completely different. Each trying to create their own individual Websites. This is something that I will need to do. I will have to create a website that will market my band in a way that represents there genre, (Alternative/Indie/Pop) and also give the chance for the audience to view more material that has been produced for the band, such as creating links for their twitter, Facebook and blogger pages, as well as links for their merchandise. I will will also have to keep giving the audience a chance to Buy the Album or single and or Listen to the single through various links.
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