The idea of ducks came from thinking about the words playing and tides which is in the name of our album Playing With Tides. Our music video is about a love triangle so i thought we should try and show that in our album cover. Ducks are usually found ponds and so the mise en scene of these images was an obvious one. By using a boy duck and girl duck it creats a sense of playfulness and youth. By placing them in a kissing position they are able to create a code to the audience that this album will be based around a relashionship that has or had all of these qualities.
The image with the duck tilted on the side gives the audience the idea that the hes been left by the girl duck, code, a code for a broken relashionship, lonlyness and sadness.
One of the images shows the boy duck leaning on the girl duck, a image that shows that the male in the relashionship depends on the felmale. If i were to use these images on the album cover the audience would be able to identify the codes that are produced from the positions of the ducks. The pond represents there home, a familiar place were they both like to go and relax. Home comforts.
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